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Current News for April 24, 2008

Photo Gallery: Science in the News --

Tue, 15 Apr 2008 15:45:01 PDT
Latest images from coverage of science, medicine and the environment.

Rotten Timing of Bands and Heart Attacks

Sat, 19 Apr 2008 12:12:04 PDT
Diary time again. Wednesday afternoon, I ended up doing something I had never done before, and the only reason was because the Pope was visiting America. Normally, I would be indifferent to such a thing, and it was exactly my complete indifference that drove me to this point. You see, when I eat lunch in my house, I eat in my living room, usually around 12.30 or 1.00, while I watch television, often the news. It's usually the only television I watch in the course of a day, unless it's Thursday,

Liver Diseases: A Huge European Health Burden, But Some Trends are ... - FOXBusiness

Liver Diseases: A Huge European Health Burden, But Some Trends are ...
FOXBusiness - Apr 23, 2008
Not surprisingly, several of the first presentations focused on trends in the prevalence of each of the major liver diseases, including continuing declines ...

Old US Mint in New Orleans to again house jazz collection (AP)

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 17:15:16 PDT
Old US Mint in New Orleans to again house jazz collection (AP) April 24th, 2008 by AP - The jazz collection that for two decades before Hurricane Katrina was housed in the Old U.S. Mint in New Orleans will be overhauled, updated, and in about two years, moved back into its historic French Quarter home. Share This Posted in News | No Comments ยป

Energy Drink Carbohydrates

Tue, 15 Apr 2008 10:33:05 PDT
The trend is more people are concerned for their health. simultaneously the obesity rate in the US is alarming. The dangers of energy drinks is the high content of carbs and sugar present in the ingredients. There are health alternatives

You Don't Have The Skills To Move Your People Off Of Microsoft Office

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 14:12:03 PDT
By Kyle McNabb. Yep, you read it right. Face it, you can't move off of Microsoft Office. Why? You know more about different technology alternatives to Microsoft Office than you know how your own people work - and not just with Office, but how they work. And I understand why, technology is tangible - you can see Google Apps in action, you can play with Zoho, and you can see how IBM's Symphony product integrates with Notes. But, understanding how a remote account representative, or how a researc

Outsourcing - Not Just a Way to Cut Costs Anymore

Tue, 15 Apr 2008 04:42:41 PDT
Companies are increasingly considering outsourcing for quality and expertise. Here's a look at other outsourcing trends and tips for dealing with the changing environment.

Social Networking Debate Part 3

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 15:24:58 PDT
Our social networking debate is still generating a lot of emails and tweets from colleagues. Here are a few more responses: From Life Coach Mary I'm loving Facebook...for multiple reasons. I've scheduled two interviews for my Conversations with the Masters as a result of Social Networking. Nido Qubein and Dr. Judith Orloff (not little names). Also...lots of inspiration in seeing what people are up to. I like seeing who's visible in the coaching and Internet marketing worlds...tons of good

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